Sobigel Sobigel
Bacteriological agar Bacteriology
Plant Tissue Culture agar Plant Tissue Culture
Cosmetics agar
agar Pharmacyeutique Pharmacy
Dietary agar Dietetics

Centre Euskotruck
Zone des Joncaux 64700
Hendaye - France
T. (33)(0)684 41 87 58

Cosmetic Agar

Agar-agar is a polysaccharide obtained from marine seaweed of the class Rhodophyceae, by an extraction  process that results  in a fine and homogeneous powder.

Cosmetic agar is used as a gelling, thickener and stabilizer agent. Stable and inert, it forms reversible gels very useful for cosmetics formulations such as creams, emulsions, suspensions, dispersions, capsules, gels…

Cosmetic agar Sobigel

Continuous strict quality controls are undertaken to guarantee the highest standards or this premium agar.


  1. Absence of microorganisms
  2. Reversible gels


  • Elaboration of cosmetic products
  • Deodorants, shampoos
  • Creams and lotions